All you need is love (olej, 150 x 80 cm)/ All you need is love (oil, 150 x 80 cm)
All you need is love (detal/detail
All you need is love (detal/detail
All you need is love (detal/detail)
Moja Madonna (olej, 45 x 60 cm)/My Madonna (oil, 45 x 60 cm)
Przed maturą (olek, 50 x 50)/Before the matura exam (oil, 50 x 50 cm)
W ogrodzie snów (olej, 50 x 50 cm)/In the dream garden (oil, 50 x 50 cm)
Kody drogi życia (olej,40 x 120 cm)/Life path codes (oil, 40 x120 cm)
Kody drogi życia (olej,40 x 120 cm)/Life path codes (oil, 40 x120 cm)
Kody drogi życia - detal1/Life path codes - detail 1
Kody drogi życia - detal 2/Life path codes - detail 2
Kody drogi życia - detal 3/Life path codes - detail 3
Wybór (olej 40 x 120 cm)/Choice (oil, 40 120 cm)
Wybór - detal/Choice - detail
Spojrzenie na świat (olej, 80 x 60 cm)/Look at the world (oil, 80 x 60 cm)
Marionetki (olej, 100 x 50 cm)/Marionettes (oil, 100 x 50 cm)
Pamięć (olej, 80 x 80 cm)? Memory (oil, 80 x 80 cm)
Granice - tryptyk (olej,3 x 30x120 cm)/ Borders - triptych (oil 3 x 30x120 cm)
Granice - detal/Borders - detail
Granice - detal/Borders - detail
Warstwy osobowości (olej, 40 x 120 cm)/Layers of Personality (oil, 40 x 120 cm)
Narodziny (olej, 80 x 80 cm)/The Birth (oil, 80 x 80 cm)